U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E X A S P R E S S | S P R I N G 2 0 2 4 59 Korean Journal of Communication EDITORS: DO KYUN DAVID KIM, University of Louisiana at Lafayette AND YEONSOO KIM, University of Texas at Austin The Korean Journal of Communication (KJC) is the journal of the Korean American Commu- nication Association. KJC is a peer-reviewed publication that disseminates scholarly research, book reviews, insightful commentaries, and meticulous field notes and data analysis. The journal’s primary objective is to foster the advancement and broader dissemination of Korean communica- tion studies. KJC emphasizes the breadth of its scope, which encompasses theory-based research, pioneering theory development, and cutting-edge methodological approaches to Korean commu- nication research. KJC comprehensively addresses a broad spectrum of topical areas, encompassing, but not lim- ited to, Korean pop culture and media studies, language and social interaction, cultural studies, interpersonal communication, organizational communication, advertising, public relations, cor- porate communication, health communication, communication technology, traditional and new media, communicative social change, international communication, journalism, mass communica- tion, and developmental studies. The Korean American Communication Association (KACA) is an academic organization ded- icated to serving communication scholars’ and students’ educational and social needs in North America and worldwide. KACA encourages and facilitates cooperation among members in conduct- ing communication research, mainly focusing on subjects related to Korea, Korean Americans, and the Korean diaspora. Currently, KACA’s membership exceeds five hundred scholars, professionals, and doctoral students. The Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange (KOFICE), the designated insti- tute for international cultural exchange under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism in the South Korean government, is a founding supporter of the journal. Triannual individuals $60/yr institutions $280/yr | j o u r n a l s | N E W I N 2 0 2 4